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Display hover box at mouse position over link button in

I am currently working on a C# project. I have a data grid which contains a link button which displays the text bound from the database and binds a command argument for the record id.

I want to allow the user to be able to position the mouse over this link button and display a hover popup next to the mouse cursor. When the mouse is hovered over the link button before it is displayed to the user I want it to load data from the database based on the id from the command argument and display the data inside the hover popup. How can I go about doing this, I assume it would be jQuery I would need but not sure how to fire the hover event and display something based on a command argument value of a link button.


  • I've done something similar in the past, but triggering off the table cell generated. I added an identifier to the rel attribute of the table cell. I used the RowDataBound event to achieve this, you should be able to do something similar with your link button. Use the inbuilt jSON serialiser to load up the information onto a page then used the code below for the pop up.

    Here is how I serialized my data in the code behind, obviously you need to tweak this to your needs:

    //Grab Venue Details using LINQ
    var venues = (from evt in futureEvents
                  select new { VenueID = evt.Venue.VenueID, evt.Venue.Description, evt.Venue.Address.Address1, evt.Venue.Address.Suburb }).Distinct();
    //Serialize Venues for use in tool tip
    JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    string json = js.Serialize(venues);
    this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "jSONVenues", "var venues = " + json + ";", true);

    Sample jSON

    var venues = [{"VenueID":393,"Description":"Dee Why RSL","Address1":"932 Pittwater Road","Suburb":"Dee Why"}];


    this.tooltip = function() {
    /* CONFIG */
        xOffset = 20;
        yOffset = 20;
        // these 2 variable determine popup's distance from the cursor
        // you might want to adjust to get the right result
    /* END CONFIG */
    /*Set Up hover for table cell change this for you link */
       $("[Your Gridview ID or class] tr>td:first-child").hover(function(e) {
    /* Get ID From rel attribute */        
           this.t = $(this).attr("rel");     
           var offset = $(this).offset();
           var venue;
           for (i = 0; i < venues.length; i++) {
                venue = venues[i];
                if (venue.VenueID == this.t) {
                    i = venues.length + 1;
           $("body").append("<p id='tooltip'><strong>" + venue.Description + "</strong><br>" + venue.Address1 + ", " + venue.Suburb + "</p>");
            .css("top", ( + xOffset) + "px")
        .css("left", (offset.left + yOffset) + "px")
        function() {$("#tooltip").remove();});            
       // starting the script on page load
            $(document).ready(function() {

    EDIT: To give some context, this is used where a user selects an event to attend, with the grid showing the venue name. Hovering over the grid cell will cause the pop up to show the full venue details.