Note: I'm writing this to have documented answers on my question because I frequently find myself having to manually research this
I'm looking for an efficient deterministic way to remove all instances of a delegate from a multicast delegate. Take tis code for example:
Func<int> outputProvider = null;
Func<int> valueProvider1 = () => 1;
Func<int> valueProvider2 = () => 2;
Func<int> valueProvider3 = () => 3;
outputProvider += valueProvider1;
outputProvider += valueProvider2;
outputProvider += valueProvider3;
outputProvider += valueProvider3;
outputProvider -= valueProvider3;
var value = outputProvider.Invoke();
Console.WriteLine("Value: " + value);
Even though I removed provider 3 the output is still 3, is there a simple way to remove all instances of a delegate?
Pretty self-explanatory:
outputProvider = (Func<int>) Delegate.RemoveAll(outputProvider, valueProvider3);