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Why the DictionaryValue is converted to ScalarValue in Serilog in ASP.NET Core

My Serilog configuration is the following:

    LevelSwitch.MinimumLevel = LogEventLevel.Verbose;

    var loggerConfiguration =
        new LoggerConfiguration()
                cfg => cfg.Console());

    services.AddLogging(configure => configure.AddSerilog());

where the IsDictionaryValue is defined as:

    static bool IsDictionaryValue(LogEvent logEvent)
        if (logEvent.Properties.TryGetValue("LOG_TEST", out LogEventPropertyValue value))
            return value is DictionaryValue;

        return false;

trying to log trace and information message:

    var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();

    var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "val1", 1 },
        { "val2", 2 },
        { "val3", "_3" },

    logger.LogTrace("{@LOG_TEST}", dict);

    logger.LogInformation("{@LOG_TEST}", dict);

The question is:
Why in ASP.NET Core web app the log trace message correctly creates DictionaryValue and the result of IsDictionaryValue is true, but when I log information message, the LogEventPropertyValue value is ScalarValue.

This "bug" is only in ASP.NET Core web app. When I use the same Serilog configuration in Console app, both LogTrace and LogInformation, correctly represents the dict dictionary as DictionaryValue.

type of LogEventPropertyValue in DictionaryValue

Log method Console App Web app
LogTrace DictionaryValue DictionaryValue
LogDebug DictionaryValue DictionaryValue
LogInformation DictionaryValue ScalarValue
LogWarning DictionaryValue ScalarValue
LogError DictionaryValue ScalarValue
LogCritical DictionaryValue ScalarValue


  • The problem:
    In ASP.NET Core are registered some default LoggerProviders like:

    1. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console.ConsoleLogger
    2. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug.DebugLogger
    3. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventSource.EventSourceLogger
    4. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventLog.EventLogLogger

    and when you configure serilog

    services.AddLogging(configure => configure.AddSerilog());

    the fifth LoggerProvider was added:

    5. Serilog.Extensions.Logging.SerilogLogger

    The default configuration for other providers is LogLevel:Information. This is the reason why LogTrace and LogDebug works in Web app. So if you call LogInformation the first four logger providers hits the TState in

    namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
        internal class Logger : ILogger
            public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter)

    and it converts the original dictionary to string. And when the fifth logger provider (out SerilogLogger) comes to play, it cannot resolve DictionaryValue because the TState is string

    The solution:
    Set the SerilogLogger as the first LoggerProvider:

        public class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
            public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                    .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
                .ConfigureLogging(cfg => cfg

    and because the SerilogLoggerProvider is registered in Program.cs within IHostBuilder, the AddSerilog() in services.AddLogging(configure => configure.AddSerilog()); is not necessary.
