I need to set up a service that need to accept POST messages to ANY route on that IP and have the web server listening to ALL IPs the machine has
I can make a list of local IPs easily, add to it for testing.
How can I set up a callback on any post request, with the contents? I've just started to look at it 1h ago so the answer may be obvious.
This will handle all POST requests sent to whatever bindings you'd like:
open Suave
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Successful
let main argv =
// list your bindings here
let bindings =
"", 8080
"", 8081
] |> List.map (fun (addr, port) ->
HttpBinding.createSimple HTTP addr port)
let cfg =
{ defaultConfig with bindings = bindings }
// handle all POST requests
let app =
POST >=> request (fun req ->
OK $"POST received: {req.path}")
startWebServer cfg app
Powershell test: Invoke-WebRequest -uri "" -Method POST
Output: POST received: /Hello