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LDAP Apache Directory Studio Authentication Failed

I am trying to integrate multiple directory services to Keycloak hence I am following the article: Setup User Federation with Keycloak

I have pulled the docker data and running them as mentioned:

docker pull rroemhild/test-openldap
docker run --privileged -d -p 389:389 -p 636:636 --name da-01 rroemhild/test-openldap

Now I am trying to connect the same using the Apache Directory Studio and when I try to authenticate I get the message enter image description here

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am trying with the mentioned password: GoodNewsEveryone


  • I basically tried running the docker in a different port and it worked:

    docker run --rm -p 10389:10389 -p 10636:10636 rroemhild/test-openldap