I am trying to figure out how to take a table with with thousands of records and distill it down based on a few criteria. However the criteria are tiered. Its best explained by an example:
Product Key | Product Code | Qty Bundle | Product Group | Product Expiry |
1 | 000ABC | 1 | Widgets | null |
2 | 000ABC | 5 | Widgets | null |
3 | 000ABC | 1 | Widgets | null |
4 | 000ABC | 10 | Widgets | null |
5 | 000DEF | 1 | Widgets | null |
6 | 000DEF | 10 | Widgets | 01/15/2021 |
7 | 000DEF | 10 | Widgets | null |
8 | 000HIJ | 5 | Widgets | 11/20/2020 |
9 | 000HIJ | 10 | Widgets | null |
10 | 000HIJ | 5 | Widgets | null |
Using the above as the example data, what I would want to end up with is a list where for each Product Code we are only returning a single Product Key. The criteria would be: if the product code has a Qty Bundle value = 1 then use that product key, if there are multiple Qty Bundles = 1 for a Product Code and both those Product Keys have not expired take the minimum Product Key, and if there are no Qty Bundle = 1 for a product code, simply take the minimum product key that is not expired.
Based on those criteria, the result of the script should yield:
Product Key | Product Code | Qty Bundle | Product Group | Product Expiry |
1 | 000ABC | 1 | Widgets | null |
5 | 000DEF | 1 | Widgets | null |
9 | 000HIJ | 10 | Widgets | null |
Any suggestions would be helpful!
You can use row_number()
with appropriate ordering criteria:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by productcode
order by (case when qty_bundle = 1 and expiry is null then 1
else 2
(case when expiry is not null then 1 else 2
else 3
) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;