Given an arbitrary tuple, I want to extract a subset of the tuple. The signature would look something like:
def subset[T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple](t:T1): T2 = ???
where T2
is a tuple with some subset of members chosen from T1
Using it would look something like
subset[(String, Int, Boolean), (String, Boolean)]( ("str", 42, true) ) == ("str", true)
I understand that this requires extensive use of match types and typelevel programming. I feel like it be pretty straight forward with Shapeless but I'm missing some functionality from the std lib on tuples vs HLIST.
This looks like a job for typeclasses! (note that the only Scala 3-specific feature required is *:
def subset[T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple](t: T1)(using s: Subset[T1, T2]): T2 = s(t)
opaque type Subset[T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple] = T1 => T2
object Subset:
given [T1 <: Tuple]: Subset[T1, EmptyTuple] = _ => EmptyTuple
given [A, T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple](using s: Subset[T1, T2]): Subset[A *: T1, A *: T2] =
case a *: t => a *: s(t)
given [A, T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple](using s: Subset[T1, T2]): Subset[A *: T1, T2] =
case _ *: t => s(t)
If you want it to work regardless of order, it's slightly more complicated but still manageable:
opaque type Find[T <: Tuple, E] = T => E
object Find:
given [T <: Tuple]: Find[T, EmptyTuple] = _ => EmptyTuple
given [A, T <: Tuple]: Find[A *: T, A] =
case a *: _ => a
given [A, H, T <: Tuple](using f: Find[T, A]): Find[H *: T, A] =
case _ *: t => f(t)
opaque type Subset[T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple] = T1 => T2
object Subset:
given [T1 <: Tuple]: Subset[T1, EmptyTuple] = _ => EmptyTuple
given [A, T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple](using
s: Subset[T1, T2],
f: Find[T1, A]
): Subset[T1, A *: T2] =
t => f(t) *: s(t)
def subset[T1 <: Tuple, T2 <: Tuple](t: T1)(using s: Subset[T1, T2]): T2 = s(t)