I'm using the 'TPCircularBuffer' class for creating a circular buffer object, from this website. This is my current code:
TPCircularBufferRecord bufferRecord; //1
TPCircularBufferInit(&bufferRecord, kBufferLength); //2
Line 1 works fine, so that means the linker has found the .cpp and .h files for the class. However, line 2 doesn't compile, with the error:
Undefined symbols:
"TPCircularBufferInit(TPCircularBufferRecord*, int)", referenced from:
StereoEffect3::StereoEffect3(ComponentInstanceRecord*)in StereoEffect3-1DB483EC8D75827.o
StereoEffect3::StereoEffect3(ComponentInstanceRecord*)in StereoEffect3-1DB483EC8D75827.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I don't think it's a problem with the original source code, but I'll include it here anyway: TPCircularBuffer.c
Does anyone know why the linker/compiler can't find the function TPCircularBufferInit? The TPCircularBufferInit function is as follows:
inline void TPCircularBufferInit(TPCircularBufferRecord *record, int length) {
record->head = record->tail = record->fillCount = 0;
record->length = length;
I'm pretty sure I'm passing the correct type of arguments into it...
You're mixing and matching C and C++ code.
The TPCircularBuffer.h isn't C++ safe, so when you include it in your C++ source, it'll get treated as C++. That'll fail, in this case only at link time. The linker will look for C++ name mangeled symbols for the cicrular buffer functions, but TPCircularBuffer.c is compiled as C code.
Just do this where you include the TPCircularBuffer.h header:
extern "C" {
#include "TPCircularBuffer.h"
Alternativly, this code should be ok when compiled as C++ too, so just rename the TPCircularBuffer.c file to TPCircularBuffer.cpp