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How to use PostAsJsonAsync with fields containing arrays in Blazor?

@inject HttpClient Http 
@page "/"
<button class="checkout" @onclick="() => createOrder()">Place Order</button>
@code {

public List<CartToSendItems> items { get; set; } = new List<CartToSendItems>();
public class CartToSend
    public Guid customerId { get; set; }
    public List<CartToSendItems> items = new List<CartToSendItems>();
public class CartToSendItems
    public int productId { get; set; }
    public int qty { get; set; }
public async Task createOrder()
    CartToSend body = new CartToSend();
    body.customerId = Guid.Parse("68e03745-e4a2-480f-9f39-eac36aa1ddcd");
    body.items = GetItems();
    var jsonBody = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize<CartToSend>(body);
    Console.WriteLine("items: " + body.items.Count.ToString());
    var httpResponse = await Http.PostAsJsonAsync<CartToSend>("http://localhost:1337/orders/create", body);
protected List<CartToSendItems> GetItems() {
    List<CartToSendItems> ret = new List<CartToSendItems>();
    CartToSendItems item1 = new CartToSendItems();
    item1.productId = 1;
    item1.qty = 2;
    CartToSendItems item2 = new CartToSendItems();
    item2.productId = 4;
    item2.qty = 2;
    return ret;

This is actually just sending the customerId and the items is being ignored. So the backend server is just receiving: { customerId: '68e03745-e4a2-480f-9f39-eac36aa1ddcd' }

What is the correct way to perform this action ? thanks in advance

EDIT: Example edited for a better understanding as raw.

My consoles outputs:


items: 2

NodeJS Backend log:

Debugger listening on ws://

For help, see:

Debugger attached.

GET / 304 466.248 ms - -

GET /stylesheets/main.css 304 1.439 ms - -

OPTIONS /orders/create 204 0.463 ms - 0

Missing Fields { customerId: '68e03745-e4a2-480f-9f39-eac36aa1ddcd' }

POST /orders/create 403 18.247 ms - 18


  • replace this method :

    public class CartToSend
        public Guid customerId { get; set; }
        public List<CartToSendItems> items = new List<CartToSendItems>();

    by :

    public class CartToSend
                public Guid customerId { get; set; }
                public List<CartToSendItems> items { get; set; } = new List<CartToSendItems>();

    'items' was delclared as field that why it does not get serialized