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Auto generate Id in React

I want to generate auto id with timestamp and use it in Label by using react. I have used Styled Component for < Label >

// Input Error Label
 const Label = styled.label`
  color: ${};
  padding-top: 3px;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 14px;
  opacity: 0.55;
  mix-blend-mode: normal;

const uniqueId = () => parseInt( * Math.random()); 

return (
   <Label id={uniqueId}>{error}</Label>  

Why it shows error, please see this screenshot.

Error Screenshot

I hope this code helps.


  • You're trying to assign number as id when accepted type is string. Change your uniqueID function to this -

    const uniqueId = () => parseInt( * Math.random()).toString();

    Also change your return function with this -

    return (
       <Label id={uniqueId()}>{error}</Label>  

    A working code can be seen here