I am aware that this question has been discussed many times before. Nevertheless, it is unclear to me how the whole thing has to be implemented in SwiftUI.
After an input (for example moving the camera) the renderer function is called correctly.
The renderer function should also be called without needing input.
struct ContentView: View {
@ObservedObject var gameData : GameViewModel
var body: some View {
scene: gameData.scene,
pointOfView: gameData.camera,
options: [
delegate: gameData
class GameViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject { ... }
extension GameViewModel: SCNSceneRendererDelegate {
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) { ... }
This is controlled by the rendersContinuously
property on SCNView
When working with SwiftUI, there's the rendersContinuously
option to use with SceneView .init(scene:pointOfView:options:preferredFramesPerSecond:antialiasingMode:delegate:technique:)