I have just started exploring unit testing in angular. I have a function in .ts file
onValueChange(val: number): void {
I am trying to test if the controlName has the value passed in the onValueChange parameters
I tried this in the spec.ts file
it('form value should update from form changes', fakeAsync(() => {
function onValueChange(val: number): void {
what am I doing wrong
You are not comparing same things in your expect statement.
You missed '.value'
Apart from this, I don't think what you are doing will count as testing the original onValueChange function in theory. I am not sure why you have the function under test inside a .ts file rather than a .component.ts file.
If your functionality is wrapped in a component, you can easily configure the TestBed and don't need to repeat the functionality in test file.
Alas, if you can't put it inside a component even then I wouldn't recommend recreating the original functionality inside the test file. In such scenarios(ideal solution would be to avoid such scenarios) there are a couple of workarounds.
import myTestFunc from 'myFile.ts';
describe('Test function', () => {
let testObj;
testObj = {myTestFunc: myTestFunc};
it('test', ()=>{
Something like this even allows you to use spies.