I want to add a user in SQL Server 2008 so I can use SQL Server Authentication instead Windows Authentication for connecting to SQL, and have tried this code to create a user with login:
CREATE login [newLog] with password = 'passnewLognewLog'
I get it done, but when I want to connect to SQL Server using SQL Authentication, I get this message
Cannot connect to "Mydb"
additional information: Login failed for user 'newLog'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456 )
What am I missing here?
After creating the login, you need to add the user to the database. This example is from the sql server documentation for CREATE USER
CREATE LOGIN AbolrousHazem
WITH PASSWORD = '340$Uuxwp7Mcxo7Khy';
USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
CREATE USER AbolrousHazem FOR LOGIN AbolrousHazem;
To test, I ran this T-SQL:
create login Foo with password ='f00';
use TestDB
create user Foo for Login Foo
and opened a connection successfully using this connection string:
"Server=<server>; user id=Foo; password=f00; initial catalog=TestDB"