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How to use StandardScaler on subset of columns in pyspark ml pipeline?

In my dataFrame, some columns are continuous values, and other columns just has 0/1 values. I want to use StandardScaler on continuous columns before logistic regression with Pipeline. How to implement the code?

I try:

from import VectorAssembler,StandardScaler
from import Pipeline,Transformer
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf,col
from pyspark.sql.types import FloatType, ArrayType
from import DefaultParamsWritable, DefaultParamsReadable
from import HasInputCol, HasOutputCol, Param, Params, TypeConverters

class StandardScalerSubset(Transformer, DefaultParamsReadable, DefaultParamsWritable):
    A custom Transformer which use StandardScaler on subset of features.
    def __init__(self, to_scale_cols, remaining_cols):
        super(StandardScalerSubset, self).__init__()
        self.to_scale_cols = to_scale_cols  # continuous columns to be scaled
        self.remaining_cols = remaining_cols  # other columns

    def _transform(self, data):
        va = VectorAssembler().setInputCols(self.to_scale_cols).setOutputCol("to_scale_vector")
        data_va = va.transform(data)

        scaler = StandardScaler(inputCol="to_scale_vector", outputCol="scaled_vector", withMean=True, withStd=True)
        scaler_model =
        data_scaled = scaler_model.transform(data_va)

        vector2list = udf(lambda x: x.toArray().tolist(),ArrayType(FloatType()))
        # return all columns
        data_res = data_scaled.withColumn("scaled_list", vector2list("scaled_vector")) \
                    + [col("scaled_list").getItem(i).alias(c) for (i, c) in enumerate(self.scale_cols)])
        return data_res

For input:

# +---+---+---+---+
# |  a|  b|  c|  d|
# +---+---+---+---+
# |  1|  5| 10|  0|
# |  0| 10| 20|  1|
# |  1| 15| 25|  0|
# |  0| 30| 40|  1|
# +---+---+---+---+

The output would be:

# +---+---+--------+-----+
# |  a|  d|       b|    c|
# +---+---+--------+-----+
# |  1|  0| -0.9258| -1.1|
# |  0|  1| -0.4629| -0.3|
# |  1|  0|     0.0|  0.1|
# |  0|  1|  1.3887|  1.3|
# +---+---+--------+-----+

It just can be used like this:

scalerFeatures = ['xxx']
featureAr = ['xxx']
remainingFeatures = ['xxx']
sss = StandardScalerSubset(scale_cols=scalerFeatures, remaining_cols=remainingFeatures)
vectorAssembler = VectorAssembler().setInputCols(featureArr).setOutputCol("features")
lrModel = LogisticRegression(featuresCol="features",regParam=0.1,maxIter=100,family="binomial")
pipeline = Pipeline().setStages([sss, vectorAssembler, modelObject])

When I use PipelineModel.load(modelSavePath) to load model, I get error. I think that I should implement fit and transform at the same time. However I don't know how to do that. Can Anyone help me? Thanks.


  • Too long for a comment, but here's what you can try:

    from import StandardScaler
    from import VectorAssembler
    from import LogisticRegression
    from import Pipeline
    scalerFeatures = ['b', 'c']
    remainingFeatures = ['a', 'd']
    featureArr = remainingFeatures + [('scaled_' + f) for f in scalerFeatures]
    va1 = [VectorAssembler(inputCols=[f], outputCol=('vec_' + f)) for f in scalerFeatures]
    ss = [StandardScaler(inputCol='vec_' + f, outputCol='scaled_' + f, withMean=True, withStd=True) for f in scalerFeatures]
    va2 = VectorAssembler(inputCols=featureArr, outputCol="features")
    lr = LogisticRegression()
    stages = va1 + ss + [va2]
    # I don't have a label column, but if you do, you can put lr stage at the end:
    # stages = va1 + ss + [va2, lr]
    p = Pipeline(stages=stages)
    |a  |b  |c  |d  |vec_b |vec_c |scaled_b             |scaled_c              |features                                          |
    |1  |5  |10 |0  |[5.0] |[10.0]|[-0.9258200997725514]|[-1.0999999999999999] |[1.0,0.0,-0.9258200997725514,-1.0999999999999999] |
    |0  |10 |20 |1  |[10.0]|[20.0]|[-0.4629100498862757]|[-0.29999999999999993]|[0.0,1.0,-0.4629100498862757,-0.29999999999999993]|
    |1  |15 |25 |0  |[15.0]|[25.0]|[0.0]                |[0.09999999999999998] |[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.09999999999999998]                 |
    |0  |30 |40 |1  |[30.0]|[40.0]|[1.3887301496588271] |[1.2999999999999998]  |[0.0,1.0,1.3887301496588271,1.2999999999999998]   |