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How to tail a binary file over ssh?

I have a log file in a custom binary format sitting on a remote machine. I want to sync it with a file on my local machine, so when new bytes are appended to the remote binary file, the file on my local machine will be updated as well.

I learned about how to use tail over ssh here:

Then I learned about how to use tail on binary files here: Binary "tail" a file

I tried combining them into

ssh -t remotebox "tail -c +1 -f /path/to/file.bin" > ./mirror.bin

But then I realized that mirror.bin is corrupted. Looking at the hex dump, I see that all 0d0a bytes are truncated into 0as (\r\n got replaced by just \n). However, if I run tail locally (tail -c +1 -f file1.bin > file2.bin), this truncation does not happen.

I also tried to use tee instead of redirection; the problem persists.

Are there shell tricks I can do with tail to prevent this from happening, or are there other programs that suites my needs?


P.S. Both remote and local machines are Linux, running bash.


  • The following reproduces the problem:

    $ echo -e '123\r\n234\r\n' > /tmp/1
    $ scp /tmp/1 server:/tmp/1
    $ ssh -t server cat /tmp/1 > /tmp/2
    Shared connection to closed.
    $ diff /tmp/1 /tmp/2
    < 123
    < 234
    > 123
    > 234

    It's possible that ssh -t changes \r\n to \n because it might do stty +igncr on the line. Mine ssh -t does the opposite (I think stty +inlcr) and I have the character doubled:

    $ ssh -t server cat /tmp/1 | hexdump -C
    Shared connection to  closed.
    00000000  31 32 33 0d 0d 0a 32 33  34 0d 0d 0a 0d 0a        |123...234.....|
    $ ssh server cat /tmp/1 | hexdump -C
    00000000  31 32 33 0d 0a 32 33 34  0d 0a 0a                 |123..234...|

    Anyway. remove the -t option if you do not have the intention to use terminal features.

    And your command line suggest that you are copying a file. I have no idea why do you use tail for that - tail it's for outputting last part of file, not for printing the whole file... To print the whole file use cat. To copy a file, use scp.