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AWS Glue - Replacing field names containing "." with "_"

I am trying to replace all the fields which have "." within the field name to "_".

This is what I have:

def apply_renaming_mapping(df):
    """Given a dynamic data frame, if the field contains ., replace with _"""
    # construct renaming mapping for ApplyMapping
    mappings = list()
    # for field in df.schema.fields:
    for name, dtpye in df.dtypes:
        if '.' in name:
            mappings.append((name, dtype, name.replace('.', '_'), dtype))
    # apply mapping
    reanmed= ApplyMapping(frame=df, mappings=mappings)
    return renamed

But I think I am missing some pieces. Keep getting the following error: in relationalize_and_write renamed = apply_renaming_mapping(m_df.toDF()) File apply_renaming_mapping reanmed= ApplyMapping(frame=df, mappings=mappings) TypeError: ApplyMapping() takes no arguments During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last):

What am I doing wrong here?


  • This is a function I use in my ETL to rename the columns in one step. The parameters are DataFrame and a dictionary like {'old_name_1':'new_name_1'}

    def rename_dataframe_columns(df, old_new_column_names):
        if isinstance(old_new_column_names, dict):
            for old_name, new_name in old_new_column_names.items():
                df = df.withColumnRenamed(old_name, new_name)
            return df
        raise ValueError("'old_new_column_names' should be a dict, like {'old_name_1':'new_name_1'}")

    A simple for over the df.columns is enough to create the dictionary.