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Java NullReferenceException when using interface

I have a Spring REST API I am developing that keeps returning a NullReferenceException for some reason. I can't figure out why. Here is my code:

The interface:

public interface InitiativesService {
    InitiativeDto createInitiative(InitiativeDto initiativeDto);    

The class that implements it:

public class InitiativeServiceImpl implements InitiativesService {

    private final InitiativeRepository initiativeRepository;

    public InitiativeServiceImpl(InitiativeRepository initiativeRepository)
        this.initiativeRepository = initiativeRepository;

    public InitiativeDto createInitiative(InitiativeDto initiativeDto) {

The Repository class for communicating to the dB:

public interface InitiativeRepository extends JpaRepository<Initiative, Long> {}

And lastly the controller:

public class InitiativesController {

  private InitiativesService initiativesService;
  public InitiativesController(InitiativesService initiativesService) {
    this.initiativesService = initiativesService;

  @PostMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public ResponseEntity<InitiativeDto> createInitiative(@Valid @RequestBody InitiativeDto initiative) {"Saving");
    InitiativeDto createdInitiative = initiativesService.createInitiative(initiative);
    return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).body(createdInitiative);

When I try running this and testing via Postman, it returns a NullPointerException. I debug it and I can see the initiativesService is null. I am confused as I have the same implementation for creating Users which works fine without this issue. Can anyone spot any problems I have here?


  • Add @Autowired annotation on your constructor to autowire your initiativeService

    public InitiativesController(InitiativesService initiativesService) {
        this.initiativesService = initiativesService;