Using this case statement, and could use some help with the first condition:
when convert(varchar, tblrelease.releaseddt, 108) BETWEEN '22:00:00' AND '06:00:00' then '10PM to 6AM' -- 1st
when convert(varchar, tblrelease.releaseddt, 108) BETWEEN '06:00:00' AND '14:00:00' then '6AM to 2PM' -- 2nd
when convert(varchar, tblrelease.releaseddt, 108) BETWEEN '14:00:00' AND '22:00:00' then '2PM to 10PM' -- 3rd
end AS [Shift],
The first case condition doesn't return '10PM to 6AM'. It should return the value as stated. Please see the sample table results:
tblrelease.releaseddt = (smalldatetime, null)
Based on the syntax, I'm going to assume that the you are using SQL Server. The simplest way to handle this code is probably to focus on the hours:
(case when datepart(hour, tblrelease.releaseddt) between 6 and 13
then '6AM to 2PM'
when datepart(hour, tblrelease.releaseddt) between 14 and 20
then '2PM to 10PM'
when tblrelease.releaseddt is not null
then '10PM to 6AM'
end) as Shift,
You can also use time
(case when convert(time, tblrelease.releaseddt) >= '06:00:00' and
convert(time, tblrelease.releaseddt) < '14:00:00'
then '6AM to 2PM' -- 2nd
when convert(time, tblrelease.releaseddt) >= '14:00:00' and
convert(time, tblrelease.releaseddt) < '22:00:00'
when tblrelease.releaseddt is not null
then '10PM to 6AM'
end) as Shift,
This gets around the midnight issue by looking at the other two shifts first. Note that there is no reason to convert to a string to accomplish this. And BETWEEN
is not recommended. Your code is ambiguous on where the boundaries should go.