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metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity w/ GFS data : ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)

I'm trying to do metpy.plots.SkewT() from GFS data.

When I try to calculate Td (from T, rh), the pressure levels don't match up.

Is there some clever way (w/ xarray ?) to slice and dice so they line up ?

The following code plots the temperature on a skew-t, but when the metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity is uncommented, it complains : ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,)

Any tips on making the code better are welcome as well ....

import xarray
xds0 = xarray.open_dataset(f''

subset0 = {'method' : 'nearest'}
subset0['lon'] = 238. ; subset0['lat'] = 38.

import metpy.plots
xda1 = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Temperature_isobaric')
import datetime
vtname0 = # eg : time1
subset0[vtname0] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

T = xda1.metpy.sel(**subset0).values * metpy.units.units(xda1.units) #.squeeze()

vname0 = # isobaric6 = 0..33
p = xda1[vname0].values * metpy.units.units(xda1[vname0].units)

skewt1 = metpy.plots.SkewT()
skewt1.plot(p, T, 'r')

xda1 = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Relative_humidity_isobaric') # isobaric = 0..30
rh = xda1.metpy.sel(**subset0).values #* metpy.units.units(xda1.units) #.squeeze()
#Td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(T, rh) # ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (31,) (34,) 
#skewt1.plot(p, Td, 'g')

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


  • This process can get a little cleaner by making use of MetPy's XArray accessor to simplify selection based on generic dimensions like 'time' and 'vertical'. We can also get the values on common levels formed using np.intersect1d:

    import datetime
    import metpy
    import numpy as np
    import xarray
    xds0 = xarray.open_dataset('')
    temp_da = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Temperature_isobaric')
    rh_da = xds0.metpy.parse_cf('Relative_humidity_isobaric')
    # Formulate subset
    subset0 = {'method' : 'nearest',
               'lon': 238.,
               'lat': 38.,
               # Can use 'vertical' here if we pass to metpy's version of sel
               # Use the array of values for pressure that are present in both
               'vertical': np.intersect1d(temp_da.metpy.vertical, rh_da.metpy.vertical),
               'time': datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
    temp = temp_da.metpy.sel(**subset0)
    rh = rh_da.metpy.sel(**subset0)
    # Need to rename the coordinate on RH to match that of temperature
    rh = rh.rename({})
    # Get vertical coordinate (pressure) as a unitted array
    p = temp.metpy.vertical.metpy.unit_array
    # Calculate dewpoint
    td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temp, rh)
    # Plot on SkewT
    skewt1 = metpy.plots.SkewT()
    # For some reason matplotlib doesn't like the temp array with units inside
    # a DataArray
    skewt1.plot(p, temp.metpy.unit_array, 'r')
    skewt1.plot(p, td, 'g')

    The code above requires MetPy 1.0 for its native support of XArray DataArrays. For earlier versions, the call to dewpoint_from_relative_humidity should instead be:

    td = metpy.calc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temp.metpy.unit_array,