Unfortunate in current study migration of one big old JS project we can not use npm I would like to add vuelidate support for Vue 3 but don't see how I can do it without npm By official documentation from https://github.com/vuelidate/vuelidate/tree/next I see that I should to do
npm install @vuelidate/core @vuelidate/validators
# or
yarn add @vuelidate/core @vuelidate/validators
But how to do this like it was done for browser read-only bundle vuelidate with Vue 2 https://github.com/vuelidate/vuelidate#installation ?
Here some example:
So the problem is that since you're not bundling you can't include as a compiled dependency, and since you're using vue2 you can't use an available compiled dependency via CDN.
The problem is that even though vuelidate is available through the jsdelivr CDN for Vue 3, it is not a compiled package and will not run with your project. The available package might work for something like snowpack, but that's for local development.
You can...