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PHP 5.3 automatically escapes $_GET/$_POST from form strings?

My server admin recently upgraded to PHP 5.3 and I'm getting a weird "bug" (or feature, as the PHP folks have it). I had mysql_real_escape_string around most of my string form data for obvious safety reasons, but now it seems this escaping is already done by PHP.


echo $_GET["escaped"];


<form method="get">
    <input type="text" name="escaped" />

This outputs, if I enter for instance escape 'this test', escape \'this test\'. Same goes if I use POST instead of GET.

Is it directly tied to the 5.3 upgrade or could my admin have triggered some automatic switch in the php.ini file?

Also, should I just leave it as is (in the event that it is indeed a good fail proof mechanism that correctly catches all get and post variables), or should I disable it (if that's even possible!) and go back to mysql_real_escape_string? My guts tell me approach 2 would be best, but approach 1 would be somewhat automagical. :)

EDIT: Actually, I need to disable it. Sometimes I gather the form data and resend it to the client form in case something was wrong (i.e. missing field), so I don't want him/her to have slashes appearing out of nowhere.


  • This "feature" was known as magic_quotes_gpc (ini setting) (archived from) and did not protect you from all SQL injection attacks (addslashes is called on every element of the input superglobals such as $_POST and $_GET. This ignored the actual input/database encoding). It was therefore deprecated (PHP 5.3, removed in 5.4) and should not be used (archived from).

    The official PHP manual included a neat way to undo it in php code (archived from), but you should have just turned it off.

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