I am trying to show a graph using seaborn and mpld3 but in a .html file. When I use the command mpld3.show()
, a new window pops and the graph is shown in a local webserver created (like the documentation describes). However, when trying to save it in a .html file, the graph comes empty but I can see some icons like move and zoom avaliable....
With mpld3.show()
sns.barplot(x=df.index.tolist(), y=df['Salário'])
Graph how its supposed to be:
Trying to save to .html file using save_html()
sns.barplot(x=df.index.tolist(), y=df['Salário'])
fig = plt.figure()
mpld3.save_html(fig, "./templates/graph_exp.html")
Bugged graph with working icons
Can someone help me make this graph appear normal saving to a .html file? :)
I am not sure how save_html()
works but this is what i use on my flask website.
This solution works if you do not need to save the image.
import base64
import io
pngImage = io.BytesIO()
FigureCanvas(fig).print_png(pngImage) #fig is my matPlotlib instance of Figure()
# Encode PNG image to base64 string
image = "data:image/png;base64,"
image += base64.b64encode(pngImage.getvalue()).decode('utf8')
then in html use:
<img src="{{image}}">