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MvcMailer: Taking user input in view through model and then inserting it into mail

I don't know if I am explaining this correctly, or if the solution is rather simple, so here goes:

I am using MvcMailer, but before that I set up a wizard input form which I call Quote.cshtml. Behind Quote.cshtml, I set up a model called QuoteModel.cs.

Quote.cshtml at its most basic (I am leaving out all of the wizard logic and only showing one input):

<td width="40%">
    @Html.LabelFor(m => m.FirstName, new { @class = "mylabelstyle", title = "Enter first name." })
<td width="60%">
    @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FirstName)
    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.FirstName)

QuoteModel.cs (again, only showing the one input; n.b.: using the DataAnnotationExtensions)

public class QuoteModel
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "First Name required.")]
    [Display(Name = "First Name:")]
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

Now I am trying to integrate MvcMailer, which sets up IQuoteMailer.cs, QuoteMailer.cs, _Layout.cshtml, and QuoteMail.cshtml. The QuoteMail.cshtml is what the recipient of the mail will eventually see. I also set up a QuoteController.cs, in which I placed the appropriate code required by MvcMailer. It is in the QuoteMailer.cs and QuoteController.cs where I am having trouble passing the user input from Quote.cshtml (which is based on the model in QuoteModel.cs).


 public interface IQuoteMailer
         MailMessage QuoteMail();


public class QuoteMailer : MailerBase, IQuoteMailer     
    public QuoteMailer():

    public virtual MailMessage QuoteMail()
        var mailMessage = new MailMessage{Subject = "QuoteMail"};

        ViewBag.Data = someObject; 
                    //I imagine this is where I can pass my model, 
                    //but I am not sure (do I have to iterate each and
                    //every input (there are like 20 in QuoteModel.cs)?

                return mailMessage;

QuoteMail.cshtml (_Layout.cshtml is pretty standard, so not showing here):

@*HTML View for QuoteMailer#QuoteMail*@

Welcome to MvcMailer and enjoy your time!<br />
<div class="mailer_entry">
    <div class="mailer_entry_box">
        <div class="mailer_entry_text">
                //I believe I am going to use a "@" command like @ViewData
                //to pass FirstName, but again, not sure how to bind 
                //the model and then pass it.

And finally, the relevant parts of the QuoteController.cs (note that I have am using a wizard, therefore, part of my problem is figuring out where to put the MvcMailer code, but I think I may have it right):

public class QuoteController: Controller {

    /// <summary>
    /// MvcMailer
    /// </summary>
    private IQuoteMailer _quoteMailer = new QuoteMailer();
    public IQuoteMailer QuoteMailer
        get { return _quoteMailer; }
        set { _quoteMailer = value; }

    // GET: /Quote/
    public ActionResult Quote()
        HtmlHelper.ClientValidationEnabled = true;
        HtmlHelper.UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled = true;
        //In order to get the clientside validation (unobtrusive), 
        //the above lines are necessary (where action takes place)
        return View();

    // POST: /Matrimonial/
    public ActionResult Quote(QuoteModel FinishedQuote)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            return View("QuoteMailSuccess", FinishedQuote);
        else return View();

    // POST: /Matrimonial/Confirm
    public ActionResult QuoteMailConfirm(QuoteModel FinishedQuote)
        return PartialView(FinishedQuote);


So, my confusion is to how to pass the QuoteModel I created, so that ultimately I can take the user inputed data and then generate the MvcMailer view.

I appreciate the communities help.


  • You could have the IQuoteMailer interface take the model:

    public interface IQuoteMailer
        MailMessage QuoteMail(QuoteModel model);

    and in the implementation use this model:

    public class QuoteMailer : MailerBase, IQuoteMailer
        public QuoteMailer() : base()
            MasterName = "_Layout";
        public virtual MailMessage QuoteMail(QuoteModel model)
            var mailMessage = new MailMessage
                Subject = "QuoteMail"
            // Use a strongly typed model
            ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(model);
            PopulateBody(mailMessage, "QuoteMail", null);
            return mailMessage;

    then from the controller when you decide to send the mail pass the model:

    public ActionResult Quote(QuoteModel FinishedQuote)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            return View("QuoteMailSuccess", FinishedQuote);
        else return View();

    and finally in the template (~/Views/QuoteMailer/QuoteMail.cshtml) you could use the model:

    @using AppName.Models
    @model QuoteModel
    Welcome to MvcMailer and enjoy your time!
    <br />
    <div class="mailer_entry">
        <div class="mailer_entry_box">
            <div class="mailer_entry_text">
                    Hello @Model.FirstName