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Vue: Using Vuex store in beforeRouteEnter hook to cancel navigation

I am trying to get vue-router to check a list of permissions, before finishing the navigation to a new route. The permissions are stored in vuex and ideally I'd want to avoid passing them as props everywhere.

When I use the next(vm => {}) callback, regardless of the outcome, it routes to next page, even though it should receive false and cancel the navigation.

beforeRouteEnter(to, undefined, next) {
  next(vm => {
    const allowedRoles = ['Administrator', 'Contributor'];
    if (vm.$store.state.authentication.userInfo.userRoles.some(value => allowedRoles.includes(value))) {
      return true;
    else {
      return false;

What am I doing wrong here that is causing it to fail?


  • By the time you've accessed vm inside next, the navigation has already occurred. Test the value before calling next. You can import the store into the component to access it:

    import store from '@/store/index.js';  // import the store
    beforeRouteEnter(to, undefined, next) {
      const allowedRoles = ['Administrator', 'Contributor'];
      const roles = store.state.authentication.userInfo.userRoles;
      const isAllowed = roles.some(value => allowedRoles.includes(value))
      next(isAllowed);  // passes `true` or `false` to `next`

    This way you can access the store without needing the component instance.