thanks for reading this.
I've a problem obtaining an access token for MS Graph using Postman. I've been reading similar posts on stackoverflow, but so far, without success. In the following I added some screenshots that contain (I believe) all the information needed for this process.
Screenshot of application permissions:
The link I use to obtain an access-code:{Tenant ID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize? client_id=3ef3343a-ab22-4c50-12ae2a2d7c67 &response_type=code &redirect_uri=https://localhost:8080 &response_mode=query & &state=12345
3)After following this link I give permission and receive a code, which I use in the following postman call:
I had no problem obtaining the access token without a user, but unfortunately, I need more than just the application permissions. I hope someone can help me!
Thanks for your time!
You need to delete the "code=" in code
of postman call, it looks like "OAAABAAAAiL9Kn.....". code
is just the value of "code" from /authorize
endpoint. The others all looks correct.
I tried with the steps in your issue, it worked well.
Get authorization code:{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
Receive the code:
Code is 0.ATcATqvJ...vv1MbCO6MN_uCAA
from the pervious.
Request in Postman: