I have two tables for two different periods with the same variables:household_id, size, n_adults, n_kids, household_income: for 2018 enter image description here
for 2019 enter image description here
I would like to convert it into a new panel data table with all the information for the two periods, so basically for each household, I would like to have two rows one for each period with all the information.
enter image description here Thank you in advance :)
This can be accomplished using the bind_rows function in dplyr.
Household_id Year size n_adults n_kids household_income
1 2018 6 4 2 35.000
2 2018 4 2 2 45.000
3 2018 3 2 1 50.000"
Household_id Year size n_adults n_kids household_income
1 2019 7 4 3 40.000
2 2019 4 2 2 60.000
3 2019 4 2 2 50.000"
data_2018=read.table(text=A, header=TRUE)
data_2019=read.table(text=B, header=TRUE)
df=bind_rows(data_2018, data_2019)
> print(df)
Household_id Year size n_adults n_kids household_income
1 1 2018 6 4 2 35
2 2 2018 4 2 2 45
3 3 2018 3 2 1 50
4 1 2019 7 4 3 40
5 2 2019 4 2 2 60
6 3 2019 4 2 2 50