I used ag grid in my angular project. I want to retrieve double clicked row data and copy it to a variable but in the end it shows [object Object] instead of my row data.
here is my codes:
<ag-grid-angular style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"
(selectionChanged) = 'onSelectionChanged($event)'
(rowDoubleClicked) = 'onRowDoubleClicked($event)'
file :
constructor(private auth: AuthenticationService) {
public newData() {
this.auth.getallunits().subscribe(result => {
this.rowdata = result.data;
public onRowDoubleClicked(event: any) {
this.rowsSelection = {'data':event};
console.log({'doubleClicked': event});
In console i can see the data but inside p
tag I see [object Object]!
here is the console.log result:
api: GridApi {detailGridInfoMap: {…}, destroyCalled: false, immutableService: ImmutableService, csvCreator: CsvCreator, excelCreator: null, …}
columnApi: ColumnApi {columnController: ColumnController}
context: undefined
data: {Unit_Code: 20003, Unit_Title_Persian: "بسته 4 عددی", Conversion_factor: 4, Parent_Unit_ID: 10001}
event: MouseEvent {isTrusted: true, screenX: 1025, screenY: 866, clientX: 1025, clientY: 763, …}
node: RowNode {childrenMapped: {…}, selectable: true, __objectId: 4, alreadyRendered: true, highlighted: null, …}
rowIndex: 3
rowPinned: undefined
source: RowComp {destroyFunctions: Array(37), destroyed: false, __v_skip: true, getContext: ƒ, isAlive: ƒ, …}
type: "rowDoubleClicked"
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
and inside my p
tag :
data:[object Object]
Do you have any idea?
We should use event.node.data
instead of event
public onRowDoubleClicked(event: any) {
this.rowsSelection = event.node.data.Unit_Code;
console.log({'doubleClicked': event.node.data});