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How to put a file into an array and save it?

I want to put my strings starting from AA to \ in to an array and want to save it. There are about 2000-3000 strings in a text file starting from the same initials, i.e., AA to /. I'm doing it by this way. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Input File

AA  c0001
BB  afsfjgfjgjgjflffbg
CC  table
DD  hhhfsegsksgk
EB  jksgksjs
AA  e0002
BB  rejwkghewhgsejkhrj
CC  chair
DD  egrhjrhojohkhkhrkfs
VB  rkgjehkrkhkh;r

Source code

$flag = 0
while ($line = <ifh>)

    if ( $line = m//\/g)
        $flag = 1;
    while ( $flag != 0)
        for ($i = 0; $i <= 10000; $i++)
        { # Missing brace added by editor
            $array[$i] = $line;
        } # Missing brace added by editor
}  # Missing close brace added by editor; position guessed!
print $ofh, $line;

close $ofh;


  • Here's a way to read your data into an array. As I said in a comment, "saving" this data to a file is pointless, unless you change it. Because if I were to print the @data array below to a file, it would look exactly like the input file.

    So, you need to tell us what it is you want to accomplish before we can give you an answer about how to do it.

    This script follows these rules (exactly):

    • Find a line that begins with "AA", and save that into $line
    • Concatenate every new line from the file into $line
    • When you find a line that begins with a backslash \, stop concatenating lines and save $line into @data.
    • Then, find the next line that begins with "AA" and start the loop over.

    These matching regexes are pretty loose, as they will match AAARGH and \bonkers as well. If you need them stricter, you can try /^\\$/ and /^AA$/, but then you need to watch out for whitespace at the beginning and end of line. So perhaps /^\s*\\\s*$/ and /^\s*AA\s*$/ instead.

    The code:

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    my $line="";
    my @data;
    while (<DATA>) {
        if (/^AA/) {
            $line = $_;
            while (<DATA>) {
                $line .= $_;
                last if /^\\/;
        push @data, $line;
    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper \@data;
    AA  c0001
    BB  afsfjgfjgjgjflffbg
    CC  table
    DD  hhhfsegsksgk
    EB  jksgksjs
    AA  e0002
    BB  rejwkghewhgsejkhrj
    CC  chair
    DD  egrhjrhojohkhkhrkfs
    VB  rkgjehkrkhkh;r