Is it possible to get the multiline code sample as a text with the possibility to share it later? Let say I have a sample code:
let a = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "ball01")
a.position = CGPoint(x: width*0.5, y: height*0.5)
a.size = CGSize(width: width*0.1, height: width*0.1)
a.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: a.frame.width*0.5)
Is it possible to share it as a multiline text? I found some discussions about html, but nothing about the "normal" swift code. Thank you.
Here is a desired sample which could be shared as a Note or smth like that:
Find simple and elegant solution here: How to work with Multi-Line String Literals in Swift:
let multilineString: """
let a = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "ball01")
a.position = CGPoint(x: width*0.5, y: height*0.5)
a.size = CGSize(width: width*0.1, height: width*0.1)
a.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: a.frame.width*0.5)
label.text = multilineString
label.numberOfLines = 0