Search code examples

Performing subtraction in SQL/finding the balance

SQL table here:!9/abe1da/9

Current Table:

Year Month Type Accounts Amount
2021 1 Actual abc 20
2021 1 Actual def 30
2021 1 Actual ghi 40
2021 1 Actual X 7
2021 1 Actual Y 3
2021 1 Actual final 105


Year Month Type Accounts Amount
2021 1 Actual abc 20
2021 1 Actual def 30
2021 1 Actual ghi 40
2021 1 Actual X 7
2021 1 Actual Y 3
2021 1 Actual final 105
2021 1 Actual BALANCE 5

SQL Attempt

select year, month, type,
case when accounts in ('abc') then 'abc'
 when accounts in ('def') then 'def'
 when accounts in ('ghi') then 'ghi'
 when accounts in ('X') then 'x'
 when accounts in ('Y') then 'Y'
 when accounts in ('final') then 'final'
else 'balance'
end as account_2
(case when accounts in ('abc','def','ghi','final','x','y') then amount
(case when accounts in ('final') then (amount))-
(case when accounts in ('abc','def','ghi','x','y') then -amount else 0))
from new

Note: That balance of 5 represents thousands of small accounts which currently do not form part of a database.


  • If I understand correctly:

    select Year, Month, Type, Accounts, Amount
    from new
    union all
    select year, month, type, 'balance',
           (sum(case when accounts = 'final' then amount else 0 end) -
            sum(case when accounts <> 'final' then amount else 0 end) 
    from new
    group by year, month, type;

    Here is a db<>fiddle.