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Angular ngrx: Access to an adjacent slice of store

When my component inits, I want to dispatch an action to create the "campaignDraft" object. If the "CampaignOverview" exists, I need to make "campaignDraft" the same, if not exist, make it a preset object {a: 1} e.g.

enter image description here

The problem is that I'm trying to achieve this with Effects, but all my actions lead to browser freezes.

// component.ts
   ngOnInit(): void {;
    this.campaignFormSubscription =
          .subscribe((campaignDraft: CampaignModel) => {
            this.campaignForm.patchValue(campaignDraft, { emitEvent: false });
 // actions
  export const getCampaignDraft = createAction(CampaignDraftActionTypes.GET_CAMPAIGN_DRAFT);
 // effects
     getCampaignDraft$ = createEffect(() => {
        return this.actions$.pipe(
          switchMap((action) => withLatestFrom(,
          map((campaign) => fromCampaignDraftActions.createCampaignDraft({ campaign: {a: 1} })) 

// reducer
  on(campaignDraftActions.createCampaignDraft, (state, { campaign }) => {
    return {

I do not know how to check the Store in effect - does "campaignOverview" exist or not to dispatch another action with this object or the preset one, help please.


  • we can use withLatestFrom as operator rather than returning it with switchmap, something like below

      getCampaignDraft$ = createEffect(() => {
        return this.actions$.pipe(
          map(([action, campaign]: [ActionType, CampaginStateSliceType]) => {
            if (exists) {
              return A_Action();
            } else {
              return B_Action();