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VBA Subtotal(9,"range") based on another column value

I would like to use some macro to populate cells with the formula subtotal(9,"range"), being the range dinamic, based on the lenght of the cell. sample

I need to populate in row "C" the formula subtotal(9;range) based on the values in column "B". It have to check the value on column B, and compare to the row below. If the value of the row below is equal or inferior, it must be "blank", if not, will create a formula =subtotal(9,range), the range will start the row below and go until find a lenght equal or inferior.

I do this manual, but sometimes i have more than 1000 rows. Many thanks.


  • In the question you mention to populate the row with the subtotal function only if current row is inferior or equal to next row, but in your sample you only populate when is inferior. So I coded it that way. It can be changed by replacing the > in If .Range("B" & next_row) > .Range("B" & r) Then to >=

    Sub populate()
    Dim r As Long, r2 As Long, last_row As Long
    Dim next_row As Long, current_len As Long, test_len As Long
    Dim rng As String
    With ActiveSheet
    last_row = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For r = 2 To last_row
        next_row = r + 1
        If .Range("B" & next_row) > .Range("B" & r) Then
           current_len = .Range("B" & r)
           'create range
           For r2 = r + 1 To last_row
                test_len = .Range("B" & r2)
                If current_len >= test_len Then
                    rng = "C" & r + 1 & ":" & "C" & r2 - 1
                    Exit For
                End If
            .Range("C" & r).Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(9," & rng & ")"
        End If
    End With
    End Sub