This is the current architecture, I am working with
(upload file) (WebClient RestAPI) (Rest API)
Browser --------------> HAProxy ----> Nginx -----> Spring WebFlux ---> Spring MVC
I would like to send a request to remove cache from the server's Redis if Browser got disconnected by
eventClientDisconnect () {
// remove some cache from Redis
http.send('DELETE', 'http://localhost/user/1')
HAProxy, Nginx, WebFlux, or MVC
?Thank you.
I apologize in advance if those questions are not appropriate.
I found the solutions.
I can handle it in Webflux
or MVC servlet
I.MVC Servlet can be detected (when the request was finished)
public Filter loggingFilter(){
AbstractRequestLoggingFilter f = new AbstractRequestLoggingFilter() {
protected void beforeRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String message) {
System.out.println("beforeRequest: " +message);
protected void afterRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String message) {
// Client closes browser or tab
// Client PC's shutdown
// AJAX abortion
// Client disconnect by switching off the WiFi
return f;
II.Webflux can be detected only
you use doFinally { ... }
event to handle the above problems is enough.
But if you wish to handle client disconnect by switching off the WiFi.
You may need to use the WebSocket
This code may be working in Servlet not Webflux, but I am not sure, so you can try it.
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-websocket'
public class GreetingHandler extends TextWebSocketHandler {
public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) throws Exception {
super.afterConnectionClosed(session, status);
// Detected client disconnect here....
public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) throws Exception {
// Detected client connect here....
protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception {
public class RawWebSocketConfiguration {
public WebSocketConfigurer webSocketConfigurer() {
return new WebSocketConfigurer() {
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
registry.addHandler(new GreetingHandler(), "/greeting").setAllowedOrigins("http://localhost:7010");
Client JS (http://localhost:7010)
const socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:7000/greeting");