Is it possible given a released APK file to know the Android build tools version used, especially with utilities like zipalign
and apksigner
that has been applied to the APK file?
You should run different commands to get some information:
1: <sdk_path>\build-tools\version\aapt dump badging your_app.apk
this command gives you some information about sdkVersion, versionCode compileSdkVersion and etc.
2: <sdk_path>\build-tools\version\zipalign -c -v 4 your_app.apk
this command at the end of outputs verifies that your_app is zipaligned or not.
3: <jdk_path>\bin\jarsinger -verify -verbose -certs your_app.apk
In the output of this command you'll find CN tag. It shows that your apk is signed with your keysign or it is debug version.