I'm trying to load a web app into an iframe in an external html file. I've built and tested the app and it works fine, stand alone. But when I load it into an iframe i get the following error..
"Exception: No HTML file named WebAppBoot was found. (line 2, file "Code")"
I modified the Code.gs to set the XFrameOptionsMode to allow all, like so...
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('WebAppBoot');
I still get the same error
I used this tutorial as the starting point for my web app.. Bootstrap Google Web Application Form Take a look at it to see the file structure in the google "Project", its exactly the same as my web app
Remove the ;
of line 2, and output
from line 3
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('WebAppBoot')
then publish again your web app creating a new version (on the version dropdown, select New)
Every time that you made a change to your code that want to see on the /exec web app URL you have to publish again your web creating a new version.