I have the name of an 'thing' in python. I want to check if this 'thing' is a module or not. I can do it with the below code:
mod = eval(module_name)
print inspect.ismodule(mod)
I don't like the idea of calling eval. Is there a better way to get from the module_name, which is a string, to the actual module object?
Just try build-in __import__
>>> __import__('aaa')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named aaa
>>> __import__('os')
<module 'os' from 'C:\Python26\lib\os.pyc'>
So you code might look like next:
print 'Such a module exists'
except ImportError:
print 'No such module'