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Button Router link is not working angular

I am trying to figure out how to give the routerLink path in button. If I give the full path, the below router code is working and I am able to see that page.


But I have variables instead of task and id and I tried the following and not working.

[routerLink]="['/home', {outlets:{homeOutlet:':(this.productStore.activeProduct$.getValue().productName)/import/this.productStore.activeProduct$.getValue().id'}}]">

How can I solve this issue? Please advice.


  • This will probably work if you move it to the typescript code

      import { Router,ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router";
      constructor(private router:Router){}
        public navigate() {
           string path = ':' +this.productStore.activeProduct$.getValue().productName +'/import/' + this.productStore.activeProduct$.getValue().id
           this.router.navigate(['/home', { outlets: { homeOutlet: [path] } }]);

    Then on your html file remove the attribute [routerLink] and just add (click) = "navigate()"