I am trying to save an F# record collection to a csv file using the .Net CsvHelper library. The problem is that option types are not being converted to string correctly.
#r "nuget: CsvHelper"
open System.IO
open System.Globalization
open CsvHelper
type Record = { X : string; Y : float option }
let writeString x =
use writer = new StringWriter()
use csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
[{ X = "hi"; Y = Some 1.00}
{ X = "bye"; Y = None }]
|> writeString
I expect a blank value (or any other nan
value that CsvProvider will understand) for the second field in the second data row here. Instead, CsvHelper is converting the None
value to 0
val it : string = "X,Value
I am aware that FSharp.Data.CsvProvider
would let me convert this simple record to a CsvFile.Row
that can be saved. But that's a poor solution when you have many fields because it is hard to keep the order of the fields in the CsvFile.Row
straight (imagine 50 float fields). I'd prefer a solution in which the record fields are converted automatically.
It looks like there's no built-in support for F# in CsvHelper, so you probably have to write your own type converter to handle options. Here's a quick one I whipped up:
open System.IO
open System.Globalization
open CsvHelper
open CsvHelper.TypeConversion
type OptionConverter<'T>() =
inherit DefaultTypeConverter()
override __.ConvertToString(value, row, memberMapData) =
match value :?> Option<'T> with
| None -> ""
| Some x -> base.ConvertToString(x, row, memberMapData)
type Record = { X : string; Y : float option }
let writeString x =
use writer = new StringWriter()
use csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
let main _ =
[{ X = "hi"; Y = Some 1.00}
{ X = "bye"; Y = None }]
|> writeString
|> printfn "%s"
Output is:
FWIW, there are CSV libraries that are easier to use from F#, such as the FSharp.Data CSV provider.