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Enums in Python: Building chess pieces

I am trying to build a simple chess board in Python 3 and I am a bit lost representing the pieces properly. I thought it would be a reasonable idea to defined values for every colour and piece like that:

from enum import Enum

class Piece(Enum):
    "This class represents a piece and its colour"
    Empty = 0
    King = 1
    Pawn = 2
    Knight = 4
    Bishop = 8
    Rook = 16
    Queen = 32

    White = 64
    Black = 128

Now I would like to represent a piece by concatenating the colour and the piece like that here:

squares = []
square[0] = Piece.White | Piece.Rook

Unfortunately, my IDE tells me that piece wouldn't have a member of type "Rook".

Is my way of using enums totally wrong? I am used to doing such stuff in other programming languages, but I am new to enums in Python. Is there any clever idea on how to fix that?


  • You're looking for a Flag enum. See the documentation for example usage, but your code as written should be fine if you just change Enum to Flag.