I do know it can Batch timeout 30 etc but how to do showing countdown for
I saw here: http://www.trytoprogram.com/batch-file/shutdown-commands/ BOTTOM Page "Batch file program to shutdown, reboot, hibernate, and logoff the computer"
/t 0 is no good ever i did do /t 30 it not showing countdown
Any idea how to show the countdown like the: timeout 30 29 28 27 etc
A timer can be effected by using a for /L
loop for the number of seconds, and a for /F
loop executing a choice
command with a /T 1
Delay with a /D
default that performs no action.
Other options can be built into the For /F Choice
loop to allow Cancellation of the shutdown, resetting of the countdown, or immediate shutdown:
@Echo off
For /L %%i in (30 -1 1)Do (
Echo Shutting down in : %%i Seconds [C]ancel [S]hutdown Now [R]eset Timer
For /F "Delims=" %%G in ('Choice /T 1 /N /C:CSRW /D W')Do (
If %%G==R Goto :Reset
If %%G==C Goto :Eof
If %%G==S Shutdown /SG /T 0
Shutdown /SG /T 1
Example of modifying the above for use as a function called from a menu.
@Echo off
Echo [E]xit [L]ogoff [R]estart [S]hutdown
For /F "Delims=" %%G in ('Choice /N /C:SRLE')Do (
If %%G==S Call :Timer "Shutdown /SG /T 1" "Shutting Down"
If %%G==R Call :Timer "Shutdown /R /T 1" "Restarting"
If %%G==L Call :Timer "Shutdown /L" "Logging Off"
If %%G==E Exit /B
:# On Cancel Command Selection:
Goto :Menu
:# Function With timer
:Timer [Command] [Prompt]
For /L %%i in (30 -1 1)Do (
Echo %~2 in : %%i Seconds [C]ancel [R]estart Timer [N]o wait
For /F "Delims=" %%G in ('Choice /T 1 /N /C:CRNW /D W')Do (
If %%G==R Goto :Timer
If %%G==C Goto :Eof
If %%G==N %~1