I have two occasions in MDX files, where I would like to use root relative instead of relative paths. MDX pages are deeply nested. So I end up in many ../../..
Folder-examples are:
I followed this example.
title: Some title
brand-image: ../../../images/brand-images/some-brand.png
import Products from '../../../../src/components/products';
title: Some title
brand-image: ${PROJECT_ROOT}/content/images/brand-images/some-brand.png
import Products from '${PROJECT_ROOT}/src/components/products';
Hi, I'm a page with many products. It's just to show, how I use the MDX pages.
<Products pkey="some-brand" tags={/.*Corp.*Gov.*/}/>
Saw an upvote and came over this old question. So, here is the solution.
Frontmatter Image Paths and Components
The https://www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby-remark-normalize-paths/ resolves this problem.
Components only
With shortcodes we can completely eliminate the need of explicit component imports in MDX files.
Let's say, you have a template "around" your MDX content.
Let's say, you use a custom component <BlueBox />
in your MDX content files. Import this component in the template and wrap <MDXRenderer>
with <MDXProvider>
import BlueBox from "../components/mdx/blue-box"
import AnotherComponent from "../components/mdx/another-component"
<MDXProvider components={{BlueBox, AnotherComponent}}><MDXRenderer>{body}</MDXRenderer></MDXProvider>