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Chrome doesn't show WEBP images in production

While works perfectly locally, Chrome doesn't render WEBP images after app deployment. Neither via picture tag, nor via standard img. Website for reference:


  <source srcset="" type="image/webp" class="lazyloading">
  <source srcset="" class="lazyloading">
  <img src="" class="lazyloaded">

Also, everything works fine with Safari, Firefox, or Chrome mobile, and I can download this image and open in my operating system.

Another weird thing is if I open the image directly in the browser, it opens as a text document (only when the app is deployed – I can open it as usual locally):

And yes, it has nothing to do with lazyloading.

So it seems that something goes wrong when the image is hosted on the remote server. I use Ruby on Rails 6, so might be something with assets precompilation, but can't say for sure.

I tried Chrome 88, both Win and Mac.


  • Turned out that the app is fetching assets via CDN (Cloudflare), and for some reason, Cloudflare couldn't serve WEBP images properly.

    Found the culprit.

    I also read that there is a free account restriction, so I disabled CDN for now.