I am trying to implement customized client repository as mentioned in this document.
As per the documentaion , properties are hardcoded in code , I am trying to read those properties from application.yml. However, properties are not available when it's needed to be set.
Any pointer how this can be achieved? How to make application.yml properties available here.
enabled: true
registrationId: myApp
clientName: myApp
POJO corresponding to sso properties
public class SsoPropertiesConfig {
private boolean enabled;
private String clientName;
private String registrationId;
Websecurity Configuration
public class OAuth2LoginSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
SsoPropertiesConfig ssoPropertiesConfig = new SsoPropertiesConfig();
private final PasswordResolver passwordResolver;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository() {
return new InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(this.myClientRegistration());
private ClientRegistration myClientRegistration() {
log.info("ssoPropertiesConfig :{}",ssoPropertiesConfig);
// all properties of ssoPropertiesConfig are coming as NULL
return ClientRegistration.withRegistrationId(ssoPropertiesConfig.getRegistrationId())
you are creating the properties yourself using new
and not letting spring manage them using dependency injection.
your code:
SsoPropertiesConfig ssoPropertiesConfig = new SsoPropertiesConfig();
You can just remove the new
declaration since you have annotated your class with @RequiredArgsConstructor
so just keep:
private SsoPropertiesConfig ssoPropertiesConfig;