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Increase Ganach Gas Limit from Graphic Interface

I am strugguling with Ganache, I have some big tests that I want to run but it is saying :
"X ran out of gas. Something in the constructor (ex: infinite loop) caused gas estimation to fail. Try:

  • Making your contract constructor more efficient
  • Setting the gas manually in your config or as a deployment parameter
  • Using the solc optimizer settings in 'truffle-config.js'
  • Setting a higher network block limit if you are on a private network or test client (like ganache)."

I already increased to max gas limit in my file truffle-config.js but it is not enough because limited to 6721975.
I saw some people talking about $ganache -cli -l 30000000 but I dont have ganache in command line.
My question is : How to change this Value ? enter image description here


  • Actually, you can't increase the gas limit, but what you can do is create a new workspace and in the initialization parameter set a higher gas limit in the "chain" module.