I followed this tutorial to build an app with three fragments in sliding view (ViewPager).
The app was built successfully. Then I added a button inside FragmentOne. And also created another fragment named FragmentFour with fragment_four.xml layout file.
Now I want to link the FragmentFour with FragmentOne through onClickListener with the button I created before. When in FragmentOne the button will be clicked, and it'll launch FragmentFour. To achive that, inside onClickListener I added these codes-
FragmentFour fragFour = new FragmentFour();
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getChildFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
transaction.replace(R.id.main_frameLayout, fragFour);
But after running the app, when I click on that button from inside the FragmentOne, FragmentFour's layout overlaps over the FragmentOne's layout. And FragmentTwo and FragmentThree can be accessible via sliding from FragmentFour, but I don't want this.
If anything wrong here, please help me.
The problem is now gone. I just need to make few changes to my codes. Inside onClickListener, I changed my codes like this-
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getChildFragmentManager();
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
And inside the fragment_four.xml file's relative layout: