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Color of border in polygon mapshow MatLab

How can I change the color of the borders of polygons in a choropleth map in MatLab? (While keeping at the same time the colors inside the polygons). Reproducible code below.

      MapLatLimit = [41 48];
MapLonLimit = [-74 -66];

NEstates = shaperead('usastatelo', 'UseGeoCoords', true, 'BoundingBox', [MapLonLimit' MapLatLimit']);
datawithNaN = [30 20 30 NaN 40 50 NaN NaN];
% Here replace NaNs with a number (treat as category):
datawithNaN(isnan(datawithNaN)) = 0;
datawithNaN = num2cell(datawithNaN);

% Here I create a color map, using white for NaN (category = 0);
mycolormap = [  1 1 1;...
               .4 .1 .9;...
               .3 .2 .8;...
               .2 .3 .7;...
               .1 .4 .6];
[NEstates.datawithNaN] =  deal(datawithNaN{:});
densityColors = makesymbolspec('Polygon', {'datawithNaN',   [0 50], 'FaceColor', mycolormap});
mapshow(NEstates, 'DisplayType', 'polygon',  'SymbolSpec', densityColors)


  • By adding the property 'EdgeColor' you can change the colour to any colour. In the example below I selected the colour red, r. For more colour options: MATLAB Documentation: ColorSpec (Color Specification). The colour can also be defined as an RGB triplet matrix in the form of an array [r g b]:


    r → Red intensity ranging from 0 to 1.
    g → Green intensity ranging from 0 to 1.
    b → Blue intensity ranging from 0 to 1.

    densityColors = makesymbolspec('Polygon', {'datawithNaN',   [0 50], 'FaceColor', mycolormap,'EdgeColor','r'});

    Colouring Map Borders