Is there a regex command to match all combinations of uppercase letters, lowercase, underscore, brackets, numbers, but not only Uppercase letter words or only numbers?
I thought i had it with this one:
That was until i encountered: ABC{hello}_HI_HelLo
This is not a match, and i would like my regex to match this string.
There seem to be something with the negative lookahead since it reads "ABC" and assumes it is a Uppercase letter word only so it does not match the string, only the part after the "{" is matched.
When you add an underscore after "ABC" you get a matching string: ABC_{hello}_HI_HelLo
There is a word boundary between _
and {
You can assert a whitespace boundary to the left (?<!\S)
and the right (?!\S)
The pattern matches:
Assert a whitespace boundary to the left(?![A-Z]+(?!\S))
Assert not only uppercase chars followed by a whitespace boundary at the right(?![0-9]+(?!\S))
Assert not only digits followed by a whitespace boundary at the right[a-zA-Z0-9_{}]+
Match 1 or more occurrences of any of the listed