Is there a way to get pull requests between two tags on a specific branch.
Right now, I am using git log to do this. But, seems like this is bringing pull requests created before the first tag(PreviousVersion).
git log --grep 'Merged PR' --oneline $CurrentVersion...$PreviousVersion --pretty=format:\"%s\"|cut -d':' -f 1|cut -d' ' -f3
Can you help.
does not mean "between these two commits". It means "any commits reachable by ONLY $CurrentVersion or ONLY $PreviousVersion" so you might get some commits before $PreviousVersion.
r1...r2 is called symmetric difference of r1 and r2 and is defined as r1 r2 --not $(git merge-base --all r1 r2). It is the set of commits that are reachable from either one of r1 (left side) or r2 (right side) but not from both.
Instead, use $PreviousVersion..$CurrentVersion
(two dots). This also isn't quite "between these two commits" because Git history is not linear. It means "commits reachable by $CurrentVersion and not reachable by $PreviousVersion" which is usually what you want.
Using this little example repository...
B [current]
| 1 [previous]
| |
| 2
| /
will show B, C (only reachable by current) and 1, 2 (only reachable by previous).
will show only B and C.
will show only 1 and 2.
See Revision Selection in Pro Git for examples.