I am having an attachment problem with my php mailer. All the informations (emails, names, pdf_link etc) are correct and I can receive the email but there is no pdf in the attachment.
Could you please check my codes and tell my what my mistake is, I hope you can help me.
//mailing starts
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->Timeout = 20;
$mail->SMTPDebug = 0;
//Set the hostname of the mail server
$mail->Host = 'my-host-information';
$mail->Port = 465;//587
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';//tls
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Username = "myemail@mywebsite.com";
$mail->Password = "****";
//Set who the message is to be sent from
$mail->setFrom('myemail@mywebsite.com', 'Name here');
$mail->addAddress($member_email, '');
$mail->AddAttachment($pdf_link, $name = $image_name, $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/pdf');
$message_it = 'Grazie per il tuo interesse. La tua fattura proforma è stata predisposta e la trovi in allegato. Puoi visualizzarlo sul nostro sistema .<br><br>Cordiali Saluti,<br>My Company';
$message_en = 'Thanks for your interest. Your proforma invoice has been prepared and you can find it attached. You can view it on our system. <br> <br> Best Regards, <br> My Company ';
$combined_name_it = 'Caro ' .$member_name.' '. $member_company;
$combined_email = $email;
$combined_message_it = $message_it;
$combined_name_en = 'Dear ' .$member_name.' '. $member_company;
$combined_email = $email;
$combined_message_en = $message_en;
if($email_lang == 'it'){
$mail->Subject = 'La tua proforma è pronta '; // Email subject
$mail->Body = "$combined_name_it,$combined_email<br /><br />$combine_message_it"; // Mail Content
$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';
$mail->Subject = 'Your proforma is ready.';
$mail->Body = "$combined_name_en<br />$combined_email<br /><br />$combined_message_en";
$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';
$result = $mail->send();
$session = \Config\Services::session();
$session->setFlashdata('success', 'Proforma updated');
return redirect()->to($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$data['validation'] = $this->validator;
$data['title'] = 'Proforma Update';
echo view('admin/assets/header', $data);
return redirect()->to($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
//mailing ends
After solving the issue, I can say that the problem was PhpMailer expected to see the folder part of the url, not the base one. When I included base_url() which includes http:// mywebsites.com etc part, it kept sending the email without the attachment. But, when I replaced it with the folder part, let's say "uploads/invoices/invoice-1.pdf" it worked.
Thanks @Synchro