I have few params in my params.txt
config_version = "1.2.3"
test_version = "1.2.3"
version_count = "1.2.3"
service_name = "test"
already have answer from this forum how to get this number as output:
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ \"]+"}/config_version =/{print $3}' /dir/params.txt
I need to increase number of config_version value +1 for each awk one liner run. Examples:
first value is 1.2.3, after awk command run --> 1.2.4 and save back to file
first value is 1.200.1, after awk command run --> 1.200.2 and save back to file
first values is 8.999.99, after awk command run --> 9.000.0 and save back to file
after each run of awk command the params.txt config_version will be updated to increased value
params.txt after 5 awk script execution:
config_version = "1.2.8"
test_version = "1.2.3"
version_count = "1.2.3"
service_name = "test"
It all runs on Gitlab CI and only one-liner will be the option I can use.
"Gitlab job run (1) -> take 1.200.0 -> change to 1.200.1"
"Gitlab job run (2) -> take 1.200.1 -> change to 1.200.2"
"Gitlab job run (10) -> take 1.200.9 -> change to 1.201.0"
"Gitlab job run (xx) -> take 1.999.9 -> change to 2.000.0"
Command will run as a one liner in gitlab ci
$ cat version.txt
$ awk -F. 'BEGIN{ OFS="." }{ $3++; if ($3>9){ $2++; $3=0 }; print $1,$2,$3 }' version.txt
Now I should explain this code, but it's to simple to explain. 😕😉
awk 'BEGIN{ OFS="." }/config_version/{match($0,/([0-9]+)+.([0-9]+)+.([0-9])+/,a); a[3]++; if(a[3]>9) { a[3]=0; a[2]++ }; if(a[2]>999){ a[2]=0; a[1]++ }; print "config_version = \"" a[1],a[2],a[3]"\""}!/config_version/' version.txt > version.tmp; cp version.tmp version.txt
or (just for better readability)
awk 'BEGIN{ OFS="." }
if(a[3]>9) { a[3]=0; a[2]++ };
if(a[2]>999){ a[2]=0; a[1]++ };
print "config_version = \"" a[1],a[2],a[3]"\""}
!/config_version/' version.txt > version.tmp; cp version.tmp version.txt
will be matched, and incrementedconfig_version
will be copied without changeversion.tmp
. If you use version.txt
as output you will be left with a zero byte length file..